Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is when your ability to hear is reduced. A hearing loss makes it more difficult for you to hear speech and other sounds. Our ears can normally hear between 20 to 20,000 Hertz. Thus, when you have trouble hearing frequency over 25 dB (decibel), then it is often termed as deafness or hearing impairment.
Look for these hearing loss signs
- You have trouble hearing on the telephone
- You have trouble following a conversation when people are talking at the same time
- The family (or your neighbour) complains that your TV is too loud
- You’re tired from straining to hear conversations.
- You have trouble hearing in noisy environments.
- You say “What?” a lot
- People don’t seem to speak clearly.
- You misunderstand what people say.
- You have trouble hearing children and women.
- You become annoyed and frustrated during conversation.
If you recently feel that your ability in hearing may have decreased, don't spare a moment to visit the nearest ENT specialist or audiologist, as early finding gives you a significant advantage. Find our GHCC locations near you.
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